What better way to spend your Thursday night than baking challah all night long? Nothing! I got a chance to bake challah with my grandma at an event called The Great Challah Bake at her temple. My aunt Samantha and my grandma’s best friend also came too. When we got to the temple we went into a tent where we got bags that had challah recipes on them, a stress toy, and an apron. Then we walked into the main room where we were going to actually prepare our challah. We got a huge plastic bowl, measuring cups, a huge spoon, flour, sugar, and yeast packets. There were also ingredients on the table that everyone shared. Before we started to bake we watched a video that teaches us about the Shabbat Project which helps people around the world to celebrate Shabbat. If you do not know what Shabbat is, it is a holiday that we celebrate Friday evening to Saturday evening it celebrates the day God rested after he made all of the living things. The organization helps people everywhere celebrate Shabbat. After the video we started to make the challah! We got a placemat where there was the recipe and added in the ingredients. We mixed it with the big spoon and then got to knead it with our hands which was my favorite part. The dough was a little dry so we added some water and it felt nice between my fingers. After we kneaded it, we had to let the dough rise a little from the warm air, so while we let it rise we went and did the horah. The horah is a traditional jewish dance that you usually dance at a bar/bat mitzvah or at a jewish wedding, but today we did it while our challah was rising. It was very fun and I almost forgot we were baking challah. Once we finished dancing we braided the challah it was difficult for me, but I managed to do a three braid, and a four braid I was super proud of myself. After we finished braiding and helping other people braid we cleaned up and managed to get a few extra bowls. I had a super fun time and really want to do it next year.
AuthorMy name is Jordan. I am a 12th grader and I love food! Archives
October 2022